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Cinema One Originals
AVAILABLE on DVD in local video stores. 
Gawad Urian 

"…it leads us to quietly reflect on how much our society has become insensitive and too forgiving. Where is the anger? We welcome intelligent and piercing films like CONFESSIONAL.”



The Hollywood Reporter (Maggie Lee)

 "It lures the audience into a forest of moral conundrums and ends with a twist that chills to the bone."



Noel Vera

"…a casually winning first-person narrative that is funny and insightful and not a little cynical, tossing in along the way every trick known to an independent filmmaker…"



Clickthecity (Philbert Dy)

"Young and energetic, quick and inventive, Confessional is a fine example of where our local cinema ought to be heading, if everything goes right."



Richard Bolisay

"…screeches its staggering drive into a tunnel of guileless collisions – – from personal, political, social, and traditional maladies to ephemeral and quizzical assassinations of truth…"



Oggs Cruz

"…handsomely made, surprisingly sleek and very entertaining."

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